A year! It's kind of crazy to realize because we've had our heads down, cranking out 30 episodes of our podcast. Technically it hasn't been 365 days. I came up with the radical (some say insane) idea that we would do 3 seasons a year, with hiatus' in between, so that we have some breaks and time to regroup. I suck at math, so it's close enough to a year for me.
I've had a lot of jobs in the past. There was a time in my life when I was a nanny, a librarian, a restaurant manager, an online grocery delivery salesperson, even, yes even, a tea-bagger. (That story for another time kiddos.) Perhaps I'll make a living with this podcast, Something About Food? , in conjunction with the travel/cookbook I'm writing. While on hiatus I'll be finishing the formatting for that and I'll be self-publishing soon.
I used to think, like many of us, that I was awkward and socially inept. Able only to connect with folks by talking about food. Well, guess what? That is exactly what I am doing now. Still awkward, socially inept and owning it. Trying to be better every single day and hopefully helping the world be a better place, even if only in little increments.
The show has been an actual joy to produce. My trusty side-kick and Executive Producer Curtis Endicott has supported this nutty idea and given me a well-needed balance of technical aid and creative confirmation. Duuude! Look what we've done!
Finding folks to chat with hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. Every one of my guests is someone I chose to converse with because they interest me. That we are all connected by food is obvious when you listen to these interviews.
We even have two sponsors now! As a confirmed chocoholic, I'm loving that Nova chocolate has joined us. Let Thy Food queso dips mean that nachos can happen anytime, just hope it's not when I'm recording!
Next season is starting to form before we've even hit this hiatus. I am very excited to share a few of the future guests with you.
Photographer Ben Von Wong's artistry isn't only eye-catching and distinct, it also makes you think about the world around you and your role in it.
Vilissa Thompson founded the site Ramp Up Your Voice to create conversations on disability and intersectionality. I'm really looking forward to learning more about her advocacy.
Chef Maiki Le is Executive Chef at Upstairs2, a restaurant in LA. We had very different paths in the food world, but we found a lot of common ground.
Thank you one and all for listening in and joining us at the table. Grab a link and share on social media so we can get more ears, more guests and keep on chatting.

On Facebook: @clarkesomethingaboutfood
On Instagram: @somethingaboutfoodpodcast
On Blogger: http://bit.ly/2s1oJu5
On iTunes: http://bit.ly/itunes_somethingaboutfood
On Google Play: http://bit.ly/google_somethingaboutfood030
On Spotify: http://bit.ly/spotify_somethingaboutfood
On Libsyn: http://bit.ly/somethingaboutfood_30
On Stitcher: http://bit.ly/stitcher_somethingaboutfood
On iHeartRadio: http://bit.ly/iheart_somethingaboutfood

Also, if you want to be in the know about all things Something About Food? we have an email list as well.
Sign up here.
I used to think, like many of us, that I was awkward and socially inept. Able only to connect with folks by talking about food. Well, guess what? That is exactly what I am doing now. Still awkward, socially inept and owning it. Trying to be better every single day and hopefully helping the world be a better place, even if only in little increments.

Finding folks to chat with hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. Every one of my guests is someone I chose to converse with because they interest me. That we are all connected by food is obvious when you listen to these interviews.
We even have two sponsors now! As a confirmed chocoholic, I'm loving that Nova chocolate has joined us. Let Thy Food queso dips mean that nachos can happen anytime, just hope it's not when I'm recording!
Next season is starting to form before we've even hit this hiatus. I am very excited to share a few of the future guests with you.
Photographer Ben Von Wong's artistry isn't only eye-catching and distinct, it also makes you think about the world around you and your role in it.
Chef Maiki Le is Executive Chef at Upstairs2, a restaurant in LA. We had very different paths in the food world, but we found a lot of common ground.
Thank you one and all for listening in and joining us at the table. Grab a link and share on social media so we can get more ears, more guests and keep on chatting.

On Facebook: @clarkesomethingaboutfood
On Instagram: @somethingaboutfoodpodcast
On Blogger: http://bit.ly/2s1oJu5
On iTunes: http://bit.ly/itunes_somethingaboutfood
On Google Play: http://bit.ly/google_somethingaboutfood030
On Spotify: http://bit.ly/spotify_somethingaboutfood
On Libsyn: http://bit.ly/somethingaboutfood_30
On Stitcher: http://bit.ly/stitcher_somethingaboutfood
On iHeartRadio: http://bit.ly/iheart_somethingaboutfood

Also, if you want to be in the know about all things Something About Food? we have an email list as well.
Sign up here.