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Saturday, November 14, 2015


This is my 100th post to "J'eat?".  Sharing my passion for food was the one and only reason I started it. My Round the World Journey updates for family and friends have kept it going. I hope you've learned about, places, flavors and dishes that you wouldn't have.
I had to stop and wonder, with the crazy terrifying events in Paris, if I should continue posting. I'm more Eat, Fuck, Run than Eat, Pray, Love but I found myself questioning the blogs worth.
I truly believe that each plate or meal we share brings us closer together. So I'll continue.
I would like to ask a favor of you readers out there. If you enjoy what I'm doing here add a comment to the blog or on the Facebook post that brought you here, with your favorite food. Your turn to share with me.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Goa to Mumbai

Why Goa? Glad you asked...

I knew nothing of Goa except obscure references in books I've read. Then in January of this last year I found myself in Detroit MI trying to rally co-workers into a celebratory dinner. Anna wanted Indian food. Carlos and Jess weren't fans of it. And LaNoye bitched out completely. So a few Google and Yelp searches later I find a Portuguese-Indian place that made everybody happy. It was Goan. 
After that I did some more researching and when planning my Round the World Journey thought, why not Goa!? It's a beach destination for much of India, a good portion of Russia and some Germans and English as well. It's also an easy way to ease myself and my buddy Skees into the chaos of India.

Skees met up with me in Goa having never really gone anywhere outside the US as an adult. It was, understandably, quite the culture shock and sensory overload for him. But he caught onto the rhythms of it soon enough.
Old Goa is good for that, cathedrals and markets.

And then we hit Mumbai. It's a city of well over 12 million people. Taxis and motorcycles honk their horns all day and night. The heat and humidity are beyond oppressive. 

But the street food, for me, is worth it.

Heading down to Kochi tomorrow!