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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Shiitake Happens!

Dried shiitake mushrooms are an amazing thing. Re-hydrate them and the flavor is more earthy, the texture more meaty than their fresh kin. Plus having dried shiitakes on hand means you can have shiitakes any time you want to, and I like having things any time I want to. I'm crazy like that.

After a good cold snowshoe today, and with snow forecast for this evening, I decided on a noodle bowl. Soupy, noodley and shiitake-e, all good.

Brown Rice Noodles have been my go to recently as they cook up in 4 minutes. Food, in my mouth faster!

And then the usual suspects, kimchi (anytime, anywhere!), broccoli (cooked in the broth for the soup), shiitakes, cilantro and some leftover sautéed kale (doesn't everyone have that hanging around? No? Just me? Huh...weird...).

I'm a Soup first, Slurp later gal. As in, I spoon up the soup first into my gob then work my way around the veg and slurp the noodles last. What's your favorite way?

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