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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Iceland- Nei Orð

No words (nei orð), no pictures can really capture the Icelandic experience. I'll try. But I will fail. I can only say again, that beyond belief is Iceland.
My buddy from Boulder did the majority of planning for our camping excursion on the Ring Road, basically going all around the perimeter of the country. Not planned was finding a hot springs tub tucked behind a hillock with an unparalleled view of the ocean.
One of her Icelandic requirements was puffins. These fucking puffins, as we dubbed them, were too cute to eat. Though I suppose, back in the day when the settlers were subsisting on whatever they could find, they kept many a Viking alive.
The weather and landscapes were subdued sometimes, and then a burst of color or sunshine would cause you to have to readjust your expectations.
I even made it to a museum. Learned that the sod house dwellers of yore didn't use a fireplace or furnace to heat their homes. They used body heat. Wool clothes, fatty foods and sleeping two to a bed were all that was required to keep you warm.
I took pictures but the camera couldn't capture how awe inspiring the vistas are. Around every corner my mind would be blown. To the point of exhaustion. We were seriously tired out from how amazing the landscape is.

We met kindness at every stop. Wether it was the gals at the hot dog stand in a small fishing village gesturing to the countless bins of candy and exclaiming "Welcome to Iceland!" Or the family we chatted with in what may be the most northern hot springs pool on the planet. The wonderful pastry baking witch who served us veggie burgers and cake at her cafe. And the fellow traveler Kevin from Ottawa who whole heartedly joined us for a bit of wandering.
Iceland ain't cheap to visit and it's almost impossible to move there. I will go back. I want to explore, learn more and maybe, just maybe, meet The Mountain. If nature can dream up Iceland, then I can surely dream too.